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Welcome To Dunnet Head

Northern-Most Point of Mainland Britain

A place to really get away from it all

Dunnet Head is the most northerly point on the UK mainland.  It is Caithness in miniature.  Being at 58 degrees north, geographically it is the most northerly point on the UK mainland. Historically it is very important as the very pinnacle of Dunnet Head, Easter Head, was a WWII radar station and nearby Burifa Hill was a Gee station.   The remains of the two stations can be seen in prevalent positions on the Head.  There is an abundance of wildlife and birdlife. some great places to walk, cycle and horse ride, and generally become involved with the environment.

Location of Dunnet Head

Walking on
Dunnet Head

The walking on Dunnet Head is fantastic. There are some great routes along the coast and across the moor. Take care, though, the weather can change rapidly and the haar can come in and envelope you.



Some tips:

  • Don’t walk too close to the edge

  • Wear good sturdy footwear

  • Make sure someone knows where you are going

  • Leave a contact number

  • Make sure you have your mobile with you.

Walking on Dunnet Head

Wildlife at
Dunnet Head

Puffins Galore!

Dunnet Head is home to an RSPB reserve and many puffins. There is a viewing platform where visitors can watch birds in the neighbouring cliffs. Depending on the season, birds may include fulmars, guillemots, kittiwakes, puffins and razorbills.


See the site of the RSPB at Dunnet Head

Wildlife on Dunnet Head


People often ask what the weather is like at the most northerly point of the UK mainland.   It is often windy, but there are some glorious days… and of course some very cold days, and some snow.  All in all, being on the gulf stream and on the coast it is not too bad!


Weather forecast for Dunnet Head



When you walk along the coast, you will need to ensure that the tide is in your favour.  You don’t want to get stranded and have to call out the Coastguard.  Here are some local tide tables:

Tides at Duncansby Head

Tides at Dunnet Head

Tides at Durness

Tides at Cape Wrath

2018-08-19 13.03.19.jpg
Weather on Dunnet Head
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